Shop of the Week- Ruff by Margo 4

This week’s Shop of the Week is RuffByMargo,

owned by none other than….Margo. 


What is the meaning behind your shop name?  
Well back when I had a booth, I wanted to offer items that were in their rough state like chippy wood, rusty hinges and door plates etc. ie the things people wanted to use to make things for themselves. And then I also wanted to offer finished goods, items that were ready, already made, clean repaired and ready to go. So I was thinking of the name “Rough and Ready”. I shared this with a friend and she suggested I make it just “Rough” and spell it like “Ruff”. She is very wise and has been in this business a long time, and so I went with it and it has stuck.  


How did you get your start selling vintage?

Several years ago I vowed to try and go a year without buying anything new (except underwear). That is when I discovered that my real passion was creating and hunting for the unusual things that add character to my surroundings. During this attempt at green living, I fell in love with all things old. I am an admitted shopaholic. I love to hunt and find stuff, a lot of stuff. But I realized a long time ago that regular shopping just wasn’t for me. Where is the thrill of finding something that you know is already there? And I can’t keep it all, so that has lead me to my Etsy business and I’m loving it. If I really love an item for myself, I may keep it for awhile, but as I tell my junking friends, “it’s all for sale eventually”. When I’m done with something, I just pop it into my Etsy shop and move it on to the next good home.


What is your favorite item in your shop right now, and what makes it special to you? 
That is a very very hard question. I guess my favorite items are industrial pieces with drawers or cubbies. Like this great metal drawer set.

Sangamo Metal Drawers


What is the most unusual or amazing item you have sold from your shop? 

 This is a vintage folding child’s table and chair picnic set by the Handy Company. I could have sold this item many times over. Unique in that it all folds up suitcase sized, Perfect for camping. I’ve had so many inquiries as to whether I still have it available. I guess people find it on a goodle search. If I see another, I’ll definitely scoop it up.



Do you sell your items at other venues outside of Etsy? If so, where can we find you?

I also have an Ebay shop for some rare vintage and the non vintage items, I find while I’m out hunting. My ebay seller ID is Robolady. I’ve been on Ebay since 1999 and that ID is a holdover from a prior life 🙂

What social media platforms do you use?

I’m on instagram as @robojunker, I’ve got a facebook page and a web site at



About Mary - PassedBy

I have always enjoyed finding and using vintage items in my home, and am especially fond of vintage linens with embroidery or handwork details. I collect a wide variety of vintage goods including classroom memorabilia and toys. As a seller, I try to follow the advice - buy what you love. This makes it so much easier to create an online shop with vintage items I would gladly use in my own home.

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4 thoughts on “Shop of the Week- Ruff by Margo

  • Pixie Vintage Home

    Love your shop Margo~! Wow, going a year without buying anything new….I bet that was a lesson in appreciation. Very admirable! I do find as I get older (and more of a collector), I don’t get the same “thrill” or joy from buying something new. I’d much rather buy quality, time-worn (and tested) items with a history. Guess that’s why I’m in this business! Thanks for sharing your story 🙂