Autumn 2

What is it about this time of year that makes us all want to get cozy and crafty? What is it about the change in the air, the color of the sky? It is a truly magical time. Even though all of nature is going to sleep or taking flight to a warmer climate, there is something spirited in the air that makes us want to bake and decorate.

I am not immune to the bite of autumn. I pour over Pintrest and grab all publications with the word “Fall,” on the cover. I, along with most of you, love this time of year. If you could see my house, well, you’re fixing to, you would know what I mean. Ever nook and cranny is covered with the dramatic colors of autumn. And craft projects, Lord do help. Got about 20 up my sleeve! So enough of talkin’, lets get walkin’!

Just a few shots of our autumnal farmhouse……..




Can you tell I kind of get into it?

Now for some fun stuff I love to do at home, that I would also love to share with you!

1. Preserving fall leaves-a great, inexpensive way to bring the beauty of nature indoors.

I saw this idea about 20 years ago in a magazine and by far, it is one of my favorites. So very pretty when hung in a window or door!

2. And when you scoop out the inside of your pumpkin, don’t throw away all the good stuff! Pull out seeds, wash and dry. Put in mixing bowl with olive oil and spices. Toss and spread out on cookie sheet. Bake at low temp until toasty. These are great as a snack, or as a substitute for croutons, on a salad!

3. Who could pass up pumpkin soup? To die for!

You can substitute sour cream with low-fat Greek yogurt and skim milk. Guaranteed to warm you up in a jiffy-great cold too!

Happy Fall! Jenn

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