Shop of The Week – Look Again Vintage 5

1. Can you tell us a little bit about you and your shop

In January, 2010, corporate headquarters closed our regional office. I took early retirement, bought a mannequin, and began the on-going challenge of trying to take decent pictures in bad lighting. I’ve never looked back. I have a B.A. in English and a career that ranges from a short stint teaching typing in a federal prison to 25+ years in broadcast advertising. Selling vintage clothing and accessories has been fun, frustrating, exhausting, aggravating, and a steep learning curve. I absolutely love it.

I started my shop hoping to sell the 60s, 70, and 80s clothing that had accumulated in my closet. Instead, the inventory just keeps growing. I’ve been very blessed: by a mom who taught me how to sew, cook, and “make do” in hard times; by friends and their parents who call me when someone is cleaning out a closet, basement, or attic; and by this team, whose patience, knowledge, and helpfulness keeps me sane. (No small task when you realize that when I started I didn’t know what a URL was, let alone where to find one!)

2. What is your favourite era and why?

Favorite era would the 1940s, from war-rationed austerity to New Look exuberance. Love the women’s suits that managed to look strong and confident, yet curvy and feminine, and also the nipped waist dresses with their full skirts and big crinolines. That era favorite would be closely followed by the 1960s – 1970s with the “anything goes” velvet, leather, psychedelic, denim, lace, minis, maxis, and bellbottoms.

3. What is your favourite item in your shop at the moment?

Hands down, my favorite item is the 1940s black sequined cocktail dress! Would love to have a time machine just to see where that well-cherished dress has been and all the history that was going on around it.


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