Shop of the Week -ForgottenPLUM 6

This week’s Shop of the Week is ForgottenPLUM,  owned by Jeanne.



What is the meaning behind your shop name? 

I delight in the “plum” in an assortment of overlooked and forgotten treasures, which is the inspiration for my Etsy shop name. forgottenPLUM is a special place where you can find treasures collected with passion and pride; things that bring back memories and create new ones.

How did you get your start selling vintage? 

My grandma gave me my first antique when I was about 12-years-old: a set of Hoosier kitchen jars embossed with the labels “Coffee”, “Tea”, and “Salt”. As a child, I spent alot of time playing at my grandparent’s and great-grandparent’s houses, surrounded with the things they had saved through the years. My maternal grandparents and great-grandparents owned a country store, which is one of my childhood landmarks. It’s been a dream of mine to own a store. For me, Etsy is a terrific way to collect and sell some of the antique and vintage items I love.

What is your favorite item in your shop right now, and what makes it special to you? 

I seem to gravitate toward vintage and antique dishes, luggage, and containers like wooden boxes, jars and baskets. Many of the items in my shop are my favorites!

What is the most unusual or amazing item you have sold from your shop? 
Several years ago it was amazing to discover a small ceramic bulldog in a junky auction box I purchased actually turned out to be a somewhat valuable little figurine. That’s the fun of box lots at auctions!



Do you sell your items at other venues outside of Etsy? If so, where can we find you?

We had a booth at a local antique mall for several years, but closed it earlier this year. We have participated in several local antique and vintage markets and will continue to do markets as we have time.

What social media platforms do you use? Share your links with us, so we can follow you!

forgottenPLUM is on Face Book and Instagram:


About Mary - PassedBy

I have always enjoyed finding and using vintage items in my home, and am especially fond of vintage linens with embroidery or handwork details. I collect a wide variety of vintage goods including classroom memorabilia and toys. As a seller, I try to follow the advice - buy what you love. This makes it so much easier to create an online shop with vintage items I would gladly use in my own home.

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6 thoughts on “Shop of the Week -ForgottenPLUM

  • Linda Long

    Hi Jeanne, I am such a fan, you are one of my go-to shops for unique items for my Treasury collections. So great to hear of your Grandparents passing on the antique fever. Wishing you continued success.

  • Linda Shore

    How fun to read that you’d developed your love of collecting as a child in your family’s country store. That would definitely be my version of Nirvana. 🙂 Small wonder that you have such a great eye. Happy collecting and continued good sales.

  • JD - ThirdShift

    Fun to learn more about you, Jeanne! You have a wonderful shop – always filled with interesting items. I agree with you – those boxes of “stuff” often turn out to hold exciting treasures! Wishing you continued success with your shop!

  • Terri

    Hi Jeanne,

    Newbie to the team and your shop. Better late than never. LOVE your shop. I could totally shop your shop. 🙂

    I really enjoyed reading about your shop and your beginnings. LOVE that bulldog. I am so far afraid to try auctions for fear of getting in over my head. After seeing that treasure, however, perhaps I should dive in. 🙂

    I hope you have a fabulous week and enjoy the holidays as well.