Collecting Vintage – An Interview with ByGoneYears 3

We enjoying talking to people who collect vintage treasures.  In this interview, we find out more about Sue, the owner of the vintage shop ByGoneYears on Etsy.


Why and when did you start collecting?
No one in my family collected anything “old.” In fact, if I could excavate my Great Uncle’s icehouse, I would probably find all the family treasures. Anything that wasn’t wanted any longer was thrown in the icehouse, including my mother’s Shirley Temple doll when she out grew it. I started collecting key chains as a child, then I moved to postage stamps, but as I grew, as well as my budget grew, I started collecting small Royal Doulton Toby Jugs, Lenox carousel animals, and Department 56 villages. Now that I am a bit older, I have decided it is time to stop collecting and consider downsizing. I am one of those people who, once they start a collection, have to have every piece ever made, so collections can quickly get out of hand. I must admit I am still a craft supply hoarder, though.

Who or what was your influence for collecting?
On weekends, I would go “antiquing” with my best friend and her parents, so they were my influence. My best friend’s mother collected shoe buttoners. I wanted something to collect that I could afford and could be kept in my room (since I was still a kid) so I started collecting key chains. I am sure they are around here somewhere, but I no longer add to the collection.

What is one of your favorite pieces and why?
I don’t really have a favorite piece that I’ve collected. I enjoy my collections as a whole. I think my favorite collection is my small Royal Doulton Toby Jugs. I like the small size and ease of display.


What tips can you give us about collecting?
I think it is important to collect things you enjoy and want to display. There is no point in collecting items that you store away or don’t have room to display.

What would be your holy grail piece and why?
As far as items I own, I think my holy grail piece is a lamp that my grandmother had. The lamp is one of the few family heirlooms that survived. She almost sold it to a friend who was an antique collector, but I told her I would have to disown her as my grandmother if she let that last little piece of family history go. Since I no longer collect for myself, I like to collect for my shop. I think my holy grail piece is a Fisher Price Freddy Bear. I picked one up in a thrift store just on a whim. I wasn’t even sure how old it was, but it was in its original box, so I figured if it wasn’t old enough to sell on Etsy, I could just put it away for a while. It turns out it was old enough and sold quickly.

Where do you look for new items to add to your shop/collection?
I look for items at yard sales, thrift stores, and estate sales. I avoid auctions, because my competitive nature would cause me to over pay.

How has collecting changed or affected your life?
Before I started my Etsy shop, I couldn’t be bothered rummaging around at a yard sale or thrift store. Now I can’t wait to retire so I can rummage full-time. I look at everything differently now. It’s no longer an old, used thing, it’s a piece of history that needs to be rescued, cleaned, and rehomed.

Where can we find you? 
I am a social media failure. You can find me on:

Etsy at

My supply shop is

And my handmade shop is

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