Collecting Vintage – An Interview with AllieEtCie 7

We enjoying talking to people who collect vintage treasures.  In this interview, we find out more about Allie, the owner of the vintage shop AllieEtCie on Etsy.

Why and when did you start collecting?
My very first venture into collecting was when I was a little girl.  I was kind of a quirky kid, and decided that it would be fun to go door to door in my neighborhood to collect buttons!  Such an odd thing for a little girl to do, but I guess that was the beginning.


Who or what was your influence for collecting?
I have always been drawn to objects from the past.  There is beauty that comes with age and from the many hands who have held and loved these special objects. I like the sense of connectedness to the past.

What is one of your favorite pieces and why?
I think the first thing that comes to mind is the old, cherry wood, corner cabinet that was made by my great-great-great grandfather for his son, as a wedding gift.

What tips can you give us about collecting?
Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty.  Explore places that don’t necessarily look inviting.  Buy what you love!

What would be your holy grail piece and why?
I don’t have any specific treasure, or holy grail piece that I am searching for. The fun, for me, is stumbling across something interesting or unusual that I can enjoy and share with others.  AND, perhaps my find, will be someone else’s holy grail!


Where do you look for new items to add to your shop/collection?
I love to go to old, out of the way, thrift stores and estate sales.

How has collecting changed or affected your life?
I don’t know that I can say that collecting has changed or affected my life in any monumental, earth moving, kind of way.  However, it has given me the opportunity to explore some “unknowns”. Unknown places that would have remained invisible to me, if I were not a seeker of vintage treasure.  Unknown objects that would have remained foreign to me had I not investigated and researched. And unknown people, who only became known to me because of this road I’ve chosen to travel.

Where can we find you? 
Shop:  AllieEtCie
Twitter:  Allie (@AllieEtCie) | Twitter
Pinterest:  Allie @AllieEtCie (allieetcie)

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