Shop of the Week- Diverscites 5

This week’s Shop of the Week is DiverCites, owned by Francois. 



What is the meaning behind your shop name?


When it came to naming my shop, Diverscités just hit me, and on top of that it’s an easy play on words. It’s a reflection of our multi cultural family, and that we have all lived and travelled in many cities, countries, and continents. Here on Etsy, the diversity applies to the items that I sell in my shop, so diverse that sometimes I find it difficult to keep up between them all.


How did you get your start selling vintage?

I started many years ago collecting postal history, focusing it on the town where I was born. So when I was asked to help out a young entrepreneur for her vintage jewelery shop on Etsy, I couldn’t resist starting my own shop too, listing vintage postcards and ephemerae. It’s as simple as that…


What is your favorite item in your shop right now, and what makes it special to you?

My daughter keeps an eye on my shop and the items I bring back home. Some of our favorites are kept for the home too (after negotiations with my wife!). So I’m used to being given good advice, but I also try to think of the buyer and guess what makes it special to them.



 Document Holder

I love this document holder because it tells the story of a French appetizer drink from the 20th century, it also reminds me of the soft drinks my parents and grandparents used to buy.



What is the most unusual or amazing item you have sold from your shop?

I descend form a long line of photographers, and as such, was raised around a lot of photos. So when I’ve found this particular antique photo I knew on the spot that it was something special. To complete the story, it has now joined the collection of someone else who also really cares about these old photographs.





Do you sell your items at other venues outside of Etsy? If so, where can we find you?

I don’t sell vintage items outside of Etsy, simply because I’m kept so busy with it already. 


What social media platforms do you use? Share your links with us, so we can follow you!





Thank you for featuring my shop this week, I appreciate it!






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About Mary - PassedBy

I have always enjoyed finding and using vintage items in my home, and am especially fond of vintage linens with embroidery or handwork details. I collect a wide variety of vintage goods including classroom memorabilia and toys. As a seller, I try to follow the advice - buy what you love. This makes it so much easier to create an online shop with vintage items I would gladly use in my own home.

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