Shop of the Week-What not Gems 7


This week’s Shop of the Week is WhatnotGems, owned by Trudy. 

What is the meaning behind your shop name? 

WhatnotGems … The word Whatnot means everything else that’s related, and Gems to me means treasures, like ones you would find in a treasure chest, things you would keep as a child. So, you put it all together to get everything that is related to the things that you treasure. 


How did you get your start selling vintage? 

I began with downsizing our home, offering my books and other collections slowly. As they began to sell, of course I was still collecting and began to collect even more. Some of the items:

A pair of 1960’s Ski Bindings that I found in my husbands toolbox. I thought I had a very interesting tool, but I could not figure them out! Imagine my surprise when I finally figured out what they were. 

Then there was the 1960’s Obermeyer Goose down Ski Jacket which had a stain on the elbow. I contacted the company to see if they knew how to remove it. They did not, I still listed it for sale “as is” just because of the down. A few weeks later the jacket sold to Obermeyer; they decided to begin a display of items from the past.

Another treasure was the  Ehrcorder TP-421 Transistor reel to reel tape recorder which was still in its original box and did not look like it had ever been used. This was similar to the one used on the TV show Mission Impossible and now resides in a museum.

I have collected many different items including aviation flight gear, a smoking head from Japan, a Korean Christmas card, dolls, China, crystal and of course (my favorite) sterling silver and silverplate teapots and sets.


What is your favorite item in your shop right now, and what makes it special to you?
My favorite items would have to be the Goebel birds. In 1977 walking through the airport in Oklahoma while waiting for a connection, I walked past a gift shop. Three little blue sparrows were featured in the display window, on my third or fourth pass I walked into the shop. This is before I had a credit card, but I had just enough cash to pay for the birds. The Sparrows have been to Korea, Texas, California, and Florida. Always displayed and maintained carefully. The last 30 years in my China cabinet. I sold that first set, but found another set at an estate sale the same week. I now offer them in blue, red and brown.

Another favorite is a Signed Gerhard Bochmann figure titled The Joy Of Motherhood that I discovered a few months ago. It was on a table with several other items that I just had to touch. Well, once I touch an item, I tend to purchase it. Do I want it to sell? Yes and no: it is so joyful! It is a pleasure to have the figure displayed where I can see it each day.


                                                                                  Gerhard Bachmann The Joy of Motherhood Figurine





What is the most unusual or amazing item you have sold from your shop?  

I have two past favorites 
The Grape Motif Birmingham Coffee and Tea Service was a stunning set with lacy grapes featured on the set. The elegant set reminded me of a time when ladies dress in their finest to enjoy afternoon tea.




And of course the Duck Claret Jug. This piece stopped me in my tracks when I ran across it. I could just picture my grandmother’s ducks sitting beside the jug. Although, while I watched, it never waddled its tail. The customer who purchased the jug was ecstatic: she had an identical one her son-in-law remarked on. This past Christmas, he received the Duck Claret Jug as a gift from his mother-in-law, and I can just picture the smiles and laughter when he opened his gift.




Do you sell your items at other venues outside of Etsy? If so, where can we find you?

I sell on Amazon and Ecrater as well.

On Amazon I sell as FH WNBooks soon to also be WhatnotGems.

What social media platforms do you use? Share your links with us, so we can follow you!


About Mary - PassedBy

I have always enjoyed finding and using vintage items in my home, and am especially fond of vintage linens with embroidery or handwork details. I collect a wide variety of vintage goods including classroom memorabilia and toys. As a seller, I try to follow the advice - buy what you love. This makes it so much easier to create an online shop with vintage items I would gladly use in my own home.

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