The Letter Q Feature

originally posted on Chantal Loves Vintage

Tell us a bit about you and your shop
Hello, I’m Quinn from TheeLetterQ. I am a graphic designer by trade but prefer to put my creativity to use here in my vintage shop. The selections in my shop are ever-changing but you will likely find vintage clocks, typewriters, office supplies, oil paintings, industrial items, suitcases, a few nautical pieces, and anything to do with typography and letters. I am drawn to those items so they seem to be the reoccurring theme in my shop.
How did you choose your shop name?
Having a ‘Q’ name is very unusual, but it has always suited me perfectly. I collect Q’s wherever I find them and even have a wall devoted to display them. I have always had an affinity for the letter Q, so when I began this endeavor it seemed the perfect choice for a shop name.

Where else can we find you?
You can also find me in my handmade shop TheeLetterQHandmade where I repurpose, and create pretty things out of vintage items in need of TLC.  I have an ever-growing collection of various vintage supplies that aid in the reinvention process.
Where did you get your love of vintage from?
It is definitely something that runs in the family. I remember my great grandfather telling me when I was 5 “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. And that love for seeking treasures—and that thrifty practicality has been passed down through the generations. My grandma and mom are both lovers of items from decade’s past. I have been shopping secondhand all my life with them and have so many wonderful, one of a kind treasures in my home because of it.

Do you have a vintage obsession, for instance, I am totally addicted to vintage glasses, I have way too many?
My most favorite finds are vintage and antique artist supplies, oil paintings, & drawings. Also, old advertising signs and typography. These things remind me of my years at art college (Columbus College of Art & Design). I always feel so much life and creativity in them.
What’s the strangest item you have ever found?
Umm…a fake finger nose picker gag gift. Gross, I know! My kids and husband think it is hilarious….sigh…..

What is your favourite item in your shop?
One of the great perks of this job is getting first dibs on fabulous items, so anything I really, really love I get to keep! (Theater seats from the 1940’s, that we intended to sell, are now everyone’s favorite seats in the house!) Having said that there are so many things that I really love that we simply don’t have room for or they don’t go with our décor. So I’d have to say this pair of cork lamps
Tell us what you love about your favourite era?
I love the spirit of Art Deco. I am in love with the jewelry & women’s style from that era. Items from that era have such beautiful lines and details, and were really well made.

What advice would you give to people just starting out?
Be original; let your personality show through. After all, it is our own individual point of view that sets us apart.  And most of all, don’t give up when sales are slow! Press on, move forward, keep going, keep learning, and try different things with your shop. Take a break if it is making you crazy and come back with fresh eyes.

Is there anything you wished you had done differently?
I’ve learned so much in the past couple years of selling on Etsy. I just look at my experience overall and I am grateful to have this platform. No regrets here. I just keep learning and keep trying to set a high standard for my shop.
If you could learn something new what would it be and why?
I really want to learn how to ride a unicycle! I have been looking for a vintage unicycle that I can hang on my dining room wall as décor. I would love to be able to take it off the wall, hop on it and ride it around our home!

Where is your most favourite place on Earth?
I can say I am totally content right here in Ohio, surrounded by a patchwork of fields, with my family in our nest.
I’m a big foodie fan, what is your dream meal?
Anything on the grill, lots fresh veggies & herbs from the garden, some good cheese, wine, party light, some good music, fireflies, friends, laughter…

Once upon a time……
…there were two little girls with a thrifty / artsy mom and a funny / creative dad. They had fun together, went on adventures, hit a lot of flea markets, and made projects out of recycled bit of this and that. Mom was a little crazy, one time she even rode her unicycle around the dining room table! But life was good. Simple, but just so good. When the girls grew up they decided they wanted to live by their mom & dad forever so Dad built the girls an elaborate home in the biggest tree on their property and they all lived together happily ever after.

What question do wish I had asked and what would you answer be?
Have you ever had seller’s remorse?
Yep, I sure have. An understated necklace that featured a tiny gold nugget filled pendant. I’ve never seen another like it…I should have kept it for myself!
Thank you Quinn for a delightful interview…..I’m off to look for a unicycle now!
If you would like a shop feature drop us a line.

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