Meet Two Story Vintage 2

Oringally posted on Chantal Loves Vintage

Tell us a bit about you and your shop
Hi- I’m Amanda…I live in a small town in Indiana with my husband of almost 25 years and our two sons. We’re both photographers (we met in art school) with a love for treasure hunting. TwoStoryVintage is a bit of a family affair. We started going to thrift shops and flea markets to furnish our own home and really never stopped. My husband is a great picker, but doesn’t want any credit for his awesome finds.  Our youngest son even joins in on the fun sometimes and assists with the photo shoots. We built an office/studio in our garage to house our inventory & shipping supplies so it doesn’t take over the house….this helps tremendously with staying organized. I would love for TwoStoryVintage to become a full time business someday.

How did you choose your shop name?

Our home is a two story house….the name seemed very fitting for our little business.

Where else can we find you?
TwoStoryVintage is on Facebook & Pinterest.  I sell exclusively on Etsy.  When I’m not thrifting, you can find me gardening, photographing in the garden ( I have a little obsession with photographing flowers) or doing diy house projects.

Where did you get your love of vintage from?
I’ve always loved old things!  I grew up in a small historic town with an actual “Main Street” lined with grand old homes, and the local five & dime store with creaky wood floors.  Even my school was filled with history and great architecture from the early 1900s.  I definitely got my thriftiness from my mom who loved a good rummage sale and curiosity from my dad who wasn’t afraid to explore old abandoned buildings.

Do you have a vintage obsession, for instance, I am totally addicted to vintage glasses, I have way too many?

I have a weakness for vintage kitchenware thanks to wonderful memories of baking with my mom and grandmother, especially mixing bowls.

What’s the strangest item you have ever found?

Well, this wasn’t really strange, but extremely exciting….we found an old freestanding gymnasium filled with junk up to the bleachers.  I don’t remember buying anything, but had goosebumps just looking around!

What is your favourite item in your shop?
I have a beautiful Samsonite Train Case in the shop that’s seen many trips!

Tell us what you love about your favourite era?

My husband and I both love mid century furniture.  We have several pieces in our home and love their timeless design.

What advice would you give to people just starting out?
Etsy is an opportunity to do what you love and get paid for it.  Take excellent photographs of your product…it’s your buyers first impression of your shop and can make you stand out in the crowd. Never underestimate the power of a front page treasury….it can bring many sells & new admirers.  Join a team for fun, support and business advice.  This is common sense, but worth saying….Be nice!

Is there anything you wished you had done differently?

Discovered Etsy sooner!

If you could learn something new what would it be and why?
I’ve always wanted to play the piano!

Where is your most favourite place on Earth?
I adore the state of Maine….would love to go back someday!

I’m a big foodie fan, what is your dream meal?

LOVE spicy Thai food!

Once upon a time……
I was a shy tomboy who loved Donny Osmond

What question do wish I had asked and what would you answer be?
What is your guilty pleasure?  Watching HGTV & DIY shows
Thank you for a wonderful interview Amanda
If you would like to be featured please contact me

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