Fall Calendar 1

Today I stopped to read my calender. 

Actually, I remembered to read my calender, and the title for November was “Domestic Bliss.” 

I have been knee-deep in domestic bliss this week. You name it I think I have done it. Volunteered at the minions school, organized their rooms, played lots of games, etc…. Yes, to me right now, domestic bliss isn’t all about the cleaning and the straightening. Messes will always be there, and can always be cleaned up at any given time. But you cannot stop your little ones and put them on hold. They grow like weeds this time of year, and speaking of weeds, those can wait too. Thank the good Lord I live far enough off the road that weeds aren’t visible! (Hopefully the mailman doesn’t have loose lips and chat it up at the local coffee joint about how “that neighbor” on “that road” has a garden that looks like a tornado hit it.) I guess right now the same could be said about my house. But on the family home-front, there are currently no storms. Life is good. My bliss is in seeing delight in my children when they find that perfect leaf, or collect bunches of buckeyes. Cheering them on when they catch that football and smiling on the inside when they answer a question correctly in class. 

I hope this autumn you find a different type of “domestic bliss,” for it cannot be bought my friends, but is found in a happy heart.









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