Christmas Company

Christmas Company……..
Ah yes, the Christmas holiday is upon us, and that also means impending family visits. And if you are like me, it also equals stress, with a capitol S! Admit it, whether we admit it or not, we all stress about making Christmas perfect, and one that our family will remember for years to come. Though short and sweet, I wanted to share some tips that have always made me feel so welcome and special, while visiting family. Don’t laugh! They really work! 
-Heating a guests mug in the morning. Yeah, okay, but it will be hot with coffee you say. But my dear friend Beth did this for me, and it was just so thoughtful! Fill their mug up with cold tap water and microwave for a minute or so. Pour out water and add that wonderful breakfast beverage. 
-Hang bathroom towels over the heat vent. (See where I am going with this?) Envision stepping out of the shower and drying off with a warm, fluffy towel!
-Make little vignette in the guest rooms, especially by the bedside table, and they will awake with a smile. 
-Always, always, have a game night. If your visit is making you feel like this:
relieve family stress with a game night. It works trust me! Just tried this trick at Thanksgiving. By the end of the night, everyone was laughing and having a good time. Face it, families can be a little tough sometimes! 
-And last but not least, involve them in the prep work. I know we all want to don the “Christmas super hero cape,” but we can’t do it all by ourselves! 
I hope your Christmas is filled with love and peace. God bless us all, everyone. 

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