Collecting Vintage – An Interview with Suite22 7

We enjoy talking to people who collect vintage treasures.  In this interview, we find out more about Jennifer, the owner of the vintage shop Suite22 on Etsy.

Why and when did you start collecting? 

I grew up on a small farm on a dirt road in rural Ohio. I was the middle kid of five and I’ll be honest, we didn’t have a lot of money growing up, most of my clothes and toys were hand-me-downs. I started collecting at a young age, gathering smalls things I would find on the farm to display them proudly in my corner of the bedroom! From antique glass bottles we found while tilling the garden, to old car keys I would find in my Dad’s garage, I was intrigued by it all. This is when my obsession with “smalls” began.


Who or what was your influence for collecting?

I’d have to say my Mom. She was able to make our home feel cozy and comfortable on limited funds by perusing flea markets in the nearby Amish towns, and hitting up garage sales in our local community. She taught me to see value in things that others might just see as junk or toss away pieces.

What is one of your favorite pieces and why?

My first large purchase that I made while living out on my own was an old armoire with star cutouts in the panels. I purchased it at an antique show when I was in my early twenties. I was told it was a French piece, but I didn’t know anything about furniture or antiques, I just knew I loved it and had to have it. Back then in the early nineties, it cost me $500 which was a lot of dough for a record store employee! I still have it today, much to the bane of my brother and brother-in-law who have helped me move it over 15 times since I purchased it 20 years ago!!


What tips can you give us about collecting?

Buy what you love. Buy the things that cause your heart to do a little flip flop when you see them! Don’t buy things based on trendiness or the value that others place on them, buy them because you can’t imagine not owning them. That’s always been my rule, especially for my shop. There have been pieces I have kept for months before I’m ready to let them go! I’d keep it all if I could, but I don’t want to end up on an episode of Hoarders!

What would be your holy grail piece and why?

I collect old phonograph keys, and for years I have been searching for an Edison player key that has an ornate head with two rams heads on it. You can find the two fish head keys all day long on eBay but I’ve yet to find the rams head key. Although, I’d much rather find it at an estate sale or flea market than have to purchase it on eBay. That takes the fun out of the hunt!

Where do you look for new items to add to your shop/collection?

I find all my treasures at estate sales and flea markets. I love the hunt and I hand pick each and every piece that goes into my shop. On occasion, I’ll go to auctions but I don’t like having to buy a box-lot for a few pieces that I want.

How has collecting changed or affected your life?

It has lead me to where I am today. I was able to quit my day job and sell my vintage finds online full time. I never thought my obsession with small shiny objects would lead to this, but I am forever grateful as this is the first time in my life I can honestly say that I love my job, that I love what I do.


Where can we find you?

You can visit my shop at:

I am on almost all social media platforms, but I am most active on my Instagram accounts. It has become my favorite way to showcase my treasures and my adventures while on the road! My business page is and and my personal page is

Other places I can be found:





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